Facebook Lead Form Ad Tester – https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lead-ads-testing
This is extremely useful when testing your lead form ads automation sequence. Like if your moving leads through Zapier or Go High Level or other apps.
Video Transcript –
Jason Moss:
Hey, Jason Moss here. And today I got another Facebook ads video for you. This is in regards to your Facebook lead form ads and actually testing your lead formats testing those forms that you’ve made. So that’s a very important step. This is something that a lot of people don’t do and you absolutely should do it, especially if you have automations going on. Like for instance, whenever you have leads, come in on your lead format, Facebook doesn’t have a way of getting that out of it in the most easiest way. Okay. You always have to hook something up to it like a Zapier or some other kind of connection. Automation tool, maybe like go high level, something like that. There’s a lot of things that you can connect to it, but you have to connect something to it, to get those leads out, unless you just want to download like CSV or Excel sheets, which isn’t very fun.
Jason Moss:
Okay. So this is how you do it. I’m going to put the link in the description below to this, but this is on developers.facebook.com/tools/leads, ads testing. Okay. And this is their leads, ads testing tool. All right. So when you come here, first thing you need to do is select the page that you’re trying to use and test those leads from. So you’ll see all of your pages that you have inside of your business manager right here on this dropdown. Okay. So I have mine selected here, and then it’s going to show you all the different forms that you have for that specific page. So I have this one selected here cause I work with HVAC owners a lot. So this is one of the forms that I was using. So you have two options here. You can either create a lead or you can preview form.
Jason Moss:
Now what’s the difference? Okay. So create lead is gonna create dummy data. Facebook does it for you. Okay. If I hit create lead here, all right. It’s instantly going to do it says your test lead has been sent. All right. And they they’ll do one for you. What? That dummy data, and then you have to delete it. So we should, okay. There it goes. Yeah. We’ve got a text message because that’s how I have it set up. This is running through go high level, which is a tool that I use for a lot of my different clients. So as soon as I get a lead to that form, it sends me a notification, a text message. Okay. So that worked all perfectly fine. And the data that comes back it literally says for like the full name test@fb.com dummy data for full name, dummy data for last name, dummy data for company name, stuff like that.
Jason Moss:
So that can be very helpful, but what I usually do, alright, is I’ll do the preview form. So you click on delete lead, and you’ll see it’s been deleted so that won’t show up in your lead data anymore. So that dummy data has been removed. All right, but let’s click on preview form in this walkway, bring up the actual form and then you can go through it and you can actually put your information. So if you’re actually trying to figure something out and you want it to go to a certain email, you’re testing all the different automations, making sure notifications are being sent out emails, text messages, however you have it set up. You can send it to an actual, the correct email and the correct phone number. Make sure everything is correct. So you’ll just go through there, enter the information that you want.
Jason Moss:
And then, you know, go through the, the rest of it. I’m not going to do it cause she’ll get a notification there. Go through the rest of it and just hit submit. And it’ll push everything through one little pro tip for you for people that are doing this kind of testing, if you’re entering in your email address. Okay. So something like this and you want to do this test a second or third time or fourth time. Sometimes the programs that you’re using will see that you’ve already entered that email address and they won’t resubmit like the information they won’t push the same stuff back through. So one way you can do that, that a lot of people don’t know about is you can just add something like this, Jason plus one. Okay. Or whatever the email is. It doesn’t matter just at the end of it.
Jason Moss:
Do you like, plus two plus three plus four plus five and you can, your system will see that as a new email. All right. But it’s still going to be delivered to the, to that original jason@mostec.org in this situation. So it sees it as it’s new, but it’s still delivered. Like that’s not even there. Okay. So that’s just a little pro tip for you. But yeah, hopefully this was helpful. Like I said, the link to this will be in the description below and that’s how you test all of your different lead forms for yourself or for your clients, whatever you might be doing. But if you’ve got questions, leave them below, I’m happy to help. And I’ll see you guys in the next video.