Jason Moss:
Hey everybody, Jason Moss here and today I’m going to show you how to set up a G suite account and it’s really not that hard, so let’s get started. The first thing you’re gonna have to have of course, is a domain. We’re going to be setting us up today on Moss technologies.co. All right? Second thing you want to do is you’re going to come over to Google and you’re going to type in G suite. All right? So we’re going to go to G suite.google.com and they make it a very simple process to do this. So we’ll hit get started and all right, you start out with a 14 day free trial and you just fill out everything. It is just me. All right? And if you’re setting up multiple, like if you have employees or other people on your team that are going to need G suite accounts as well, that’s where you put in the different things. For this example, it is just me.
Jason Moss:
All right? Then they want your contact info, all pretty basic and easy stuff here. Current email address for this cause I believe it’s actually like a recovery. I would use a regular g-mail that you have rather than a another G suite. So I will use my Gmail. Does your business have a domain? Yes. Okay. So if, if you don’t have a domain actually you mean you can buy one straight through Google now. So what I told you at the beginning of this video is not completely true. You don’t need a domain to start. You can actually buy one through their system and while you’re signing up through this, but I already have the domain so I’m going to hit yes. And the domain is Moss technologies.co. Okay. Next step.
Jason Moss:
All right. Use this domain to set up the account. Yes, that is correct. They’re just verifying it. All right. The username, what is your, you know, your, your email going to be, this is going to be Jason and password. Just make it password real quick. I’m not a robot. And then agreeing and continue. Then it does a little verification for you. All right. And now that we’re on this page, you will see that they have review your plan, triedG suite for 14 days for free. Now they automatically put you on the business, which is 12 bucks a month, but you don’t actually need that. There is the G suite basic, which is perfectly fine for 99% of people, which is I believe $6 a month. So you don’t have an option here. So you hit next and then I believe you can downgrade it here in just a second. I know you can do it, so we’ll, we’ll find it here together. All right. But it’s asking for the rest of your information based on like your, your billing and whatnot. So I’ll just fill that out real quick.
Jason Moss:
All right. Primary contact looks good at a credit card or debit card. They don’t charge you. Now of course they charge you in yeah. After your 14 day trial. Okay, perfect. Once you put in your credit card or bank account information and you click on through, you will see a page like this. It has been created. Everything looks successful. Continue to set up. Now the first thing we want to do is go knock down that plan from the business plan down to the basic. So we’re not paying 12 bucks month, we’re paying $6 a month. So hit next and it dumps you right into the admin area. So let’s see what we have to do next. All right, cause there is a few more steps that we have to do. I forgot about this. You have to verify though, domain. All right, so let’s just go through their process here. Hit verify. We need a quick check and make sure you own your domain. They have the TXT verification or switched the verification.
Jason Moss:
We’ll see what they give us options here at TXT, we create a C name, add a meta tag, upload HTML file. Let’s cancel that. Okay, so these are the TXT records that it wants us to add. All right, now I like to buy my names. Excuse me, my domain names through name cheap. Okay. And I’ll show you why here in a second. Now you can copy this. If you didn’t buy it through a name cheap and you bought it through someone else, it’s going to be a little bit of different process. And if you bought the domain through Google during this signup process, I haven’t done that before, but I’m pretty sure that you probably won’t even be seeing this screen because they will do it for you. Okay? Not exactly sure because I’ve never bought one through Google. Okay. But you can see it even tells us right here, it can see that the domain is bought through name cheap.
Jason Moss:
All right? And they make it real easy. There’s actually just a one button click that you do here and you can see the directions, okay? So the directions can look a little complicated, but if you bought your domain through name cheap, all right, you can head over to Namecheap, login, go to your domain, okay. And you’ll see this as Moss technologies.co. All right? And then you’re going to go over to the advanced DNS tab once you are in this area here, okay? You can scroll on down and under mail settings. Okay. If you click on this arrow, you’ll see that they have g-mail. There’s a g-mail setting in here for you already, so you don’t have to enter some of this stuff. You just hit Gmail and it automatically configured from OSS technologies.co hit save changes. All right. And the mail settings have been successfully saved. Now you can come back over here. Okay, so let’s grab this record here. This one that they give us and we’re going to head over to name cheap and we’re going to load this host record in our domain. So we are on the domain here, Moss technologies.co. These are our host records right here. All right, so we’re going to add a new record and it was
Jason Moss:
TXT record. Okay. We’ll enter the value, which is that long string. Okay. And then I believe this is
Jason Moss:
The ad. Yes. So put that in there. Hit the check Mark. Now that doesn’t affect anything on that domain. Like it’ll never mess up your website or anything that you have with that domain. It’s just a, it’s just a text record. So things like Google can verify that you have ownership of this domain. Okay. So now that that is done, okay, we will hit verify my domain
Jason Moss:
And because of the propagation, it might take a few minutes. So I will pause the video and see what happens. So I’ve tried to verify the domain like three or four times now. It’s been probably 30 minutes or so and it’s still not verifying. So I’m going to skip it for now. I’m sure the propagation has just taken its time. Once that gets done, then it’ll go through of course, cause you know, we’ve done everything correctly here. So let’s X out of this and let’s go check on other settings. Okay, here we go. So if you’re on this screen here, you can click on these nine dots, click on the more, and then where to go. Admin hit that wrench for admin. It brings you over here. Once you have this up here, click on billing. All right. And then we have, you can see it’s on the G suite. Business paid service starts in 14 days, $12 a month. Okay? You can click on actions
Jason Moss:
And downgrade to G suite basic. All right? So if we do that it will show you the differences in what you will be losing, which is always nice to see. So you can see G suite business, you get unlimited storage, which is pretty cool if you have a whole lot of files, I mean 12 bucks a month, that’s really not that bad at all. Teen drives where you know, you might need that. You might not company-wide search, Google vole advanced reporting. I mean, all in all you might need it. You might not from my situation, I don’t need that. So I’m going to go back to G suite basic clip, the downgrade button and boom, now you’re on the $6 a month program. All right? Then hit continue. I’ve read blah, blah blah.
Jason Moss:
Okay, so now you’re subscribed to G suite basic. All right, perfect. So that’s done there and now we just have to we still have to verify the email address. So I’ll head back over there and see if that is ready for us. Okay. I went back to the verification screen, hit verify and it went through its process one more time and boom, everything is done. You’re all set to use G suite, so it’s verified. We created the email accounts. That’s for if you want to add more. Okay. Each one is another six bucks a month though. Gmail is activated. So we’re in the admin section so we can actually hit these
Jason Moss:
Nine dots up here.
Jason Moss:
And Okay. Once you get to this page here, then you just hit the nine dots again, Google apps and then you’ll have all of your different apps. Wait, G Gmail and that will take you over to your brand new G suite account. So it’s easy as that. This is popping up because I have a email tracker Google extension on there. Normally you won’t see that. You can choose your view. And then here it is, you’re all ready to go. But if you have questions you know, comments, let me know below. I’m happy to help you out. Thanks guys.