Jason Moss:
Hey everybody. Jason Moss here in today, I got a short little video for you on G suite N G Gmail works on both if you want to send mail as a different name. So when you create like a Google account, it’s usually under your name like Jason Moss. And when you send mail, it’ll come from Jason Moss. Okay? But the requester, I will show you here. You can see on one of my videos here, lay about, he said, Hey, I watched your other video on changing the image for G G suite. Very helpful. How do you change the name that people see when they receive an email from me to a one word brand name in his instance? Lay about. Okay, so that is actually very, very easy. All right, if you come over to your Gmail account or G suite, all right? So let’s say you’re in here. All right? You’re in your Gmail, right? If you come over, you don’t have to change your, your name at all, okay? You just come over to settings. All right? Go over to click on the gear icon. Click on settings.
Jason Moss:
All right, and then you’re going to go over to accounts. All right? And it’s right here. It’s very, very simple. Nothing crazy about it. A sin mail ass. So right now you can see it sending mail as Jason Moss, jason@mosstechnologies.co. All right, so we just come over here, we hit edit info. You’ll have this little box pop up here. Then you just select this and you put whatever you want. So now if I do like this, Moss tech hit save changes. All right, you’ll see that just changed. Now it’s all my mail will come from Moss tech. Now your email address stays the same. Of course. All right? Nothing changes there. Nothing changes on your account settings. As far as like your name and everything, it’s still under Jason Moss. It’s just your mail. When people receive an email from you, it’ll say Moss tech. Now instead of from Jason Moss. All right? So very, very simple. That is how you change that sin mail as feature. And once again, remember this works for Gmail or G suite. If this video was helpful, please give me a thumbs up. Please consider subscribing. It really does help me. You know, get more videos like this out to you. And if you have request, do what lay about guy did. Drop a comment below. I’m happy to make these videos for you. Thanks guys. And I’ll see you in the next video.